Sims 4 ocean of games
Sims 4 ocean of games

sims 4 ocean of games

This is through the development of their ‘cheap, small-scale, potable technology’ that creates fertilizer and fuel from crop residue. Takchar is a social enterprise developed for its ability to reduce smoke emissions on New Delhi farms by 98%. The three finalists for the first ever Clean Air Prize were Blue Mapp App, Vinisha Umashankar and the prize winner Takchar. The Protect and Restore Nature award was won by the Republic of Costa Rica They were also against Restor, an online platform that has connected ‘over … 50,000 restoration sites’ across the globe and is packed with ‘ecological data’ to aid their efforts. The Republic of Costa Rica was up against the Pole Pole Foundation working to reduce the poaching of bushmeat in the Democratic Republic of Congo by simultaneously tackling issues of ‘poverty and hunger,’ which often fuel such killings, as well as deforestation. They have achieved this monumental milestone through ‘programmes paid citizens to protect forests, plant trees and restore ecosystems.’ Their success could prove vital in reducing global warming and maintaining biodiversity as with their winnings, they hope to ‘share knowledge and practices globally.’ The Protect and Restore Nature award was won by the Republic of Costa Rica for their environmental work that has doubled the size of Costa Rican rainforests – which were reduced in size by half in the 1990s due to severe deforestation. Together, this panel chose three finalists for each of the five Earthshot sections Protect and Restore Nature, Clean Our Air, Revive Our Oceans, Build A Waste Free World and Fix Our Climate, with each winner receiving £1 million to ‘help support and scale innovations.’ġ5 finalists, chosen from over 750 nominations

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Earthshot chose this Expert Advisory Panel to create a longlist of innovators, including the likes of Melati Wijsen, who at 12 years old became an ‘Indonesian changemaker’ by founding Bye Bye Plastic Bags and later YOUTHTOPIA, a ‘youth empowerment platform.’ The panel also included Amazon Rainforest expert and Earth System scientist Carlos Nobre and National Geographic explorer Malaika Vaz.

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The awards were attended by Prince William and Sir David Attenbourgh, as well as the 15 finalists, chosen from over 750 nominations, who went through a rigorous selection process overseen by a panel of 10 industry experts. The Earthshot Prize, a prize that provides funds and celebrates those working to protect the environment, announced its first ever winners 5 governments, start ups or individuals who have contributed to preserving the natural world.

Sims 4 ocean of games